location: Romania, Campina

The city of Campina is located in a valley in-between two rivers that once gave the shape of the old city. In the process
of urbanisation a major change was made to the geometry of the terrain in order to bring a major traffic line crossing
through the heart of the city. The necessity of a bigger density found plausible the demolition of the old centre and
replaced it with communist social housing. That was the moment when the identity of the city was stolen. For this reason
the main challenges were to rediscover the character of the area and working with the dominant image of communist social
housing. By emphasizing the shapes given by the terrain contours we were able to articulate the new spaces in the specific
and unique character of the city. The 500 m long and 7 m of level difference of the Boulevard Carol I give a great
opportunity for a sequence of different spaces that can be gradually discovered. Each sequence corresponds to a specific
area well correlated with the character and the needs of the neighbourhood. Based on the specific and complex needs of the
central area the concept of the promenade is re-invented. 5 platforms shaped according to the existing geometry of the
terrain provides the opportunity to define five main areas: - THE MAIN SQUARE, a predominant mineral surface that covers
a total area of 7000 square meters, THE CHILDREN PARK - a balanced amount of green and mineral surface with an area of
4500 square meters, THE SENIORS PARK –with a total of 4500 square meters totally covered by green areas, THE MONUMENT ZONE
– dedicated to the memory of the People's House 3000 square meters with an extension of 2000 square meters in the promenade
called “THE CLOCK” and the SMALL SQUARE - covered mostly with mineral and lawn areas of 4000 square meters. The 5 platforms
are articulated by a single soil treatment of the waste space and the appearance of a portico on the ground level of the
existing buildings in the form of arches. The space created offers freedom of movement, connections with the neighbour
areas and access for the functions inside the buildings. The aim is to create areas that provide business development, public
and social services.

design: 2010

client: Primaria Municipiului Campina

type: competition

program: 95 000 m2, urban development project

project status: 1st prize

with: arch. Ana Catinca Popovici

images: bozin szekely architects